IQAM Invest offers specially developed, scientifically well-founded equity models
With its equity strategies, IQAM Invest combines the factors size, value, sentiment and quality in order to achieve an optimal mix (= diversification) for the portfolio. Value equities (= valuation) are lower valued shares that are bought when, for example, the current market price of a share is below its book value. In addition to the valuation, the sentiment (= market mood) on the markets or for individual securities is also taken into account. If the market mood for a stock improves, this momentum usually also translates into positive future price dynamics. In order to give the portfolio even more stability, quality filters such as a low level of debt or high profitability and long-term stable earnings growth are used.
An integral part of the equity strategies is the transparent consideration of ESG criteria by applying exclusion criteria for the areas of business, business practices and environmental standards.
Equity strategies are offered for:
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